Monday, April 13, 2009

A Day for the Birds

Yes, it is 13 April which means it is spring, but the only ones enjoying this snowy day in Beresford are the Common Redpoll finches at our front feeder.

Only two days ago, we were sitting out on this deck enjoying the sun and our dessert. It seems like a dream now.......


  1. Any suggestions on what to leave out for robins while they are waiting for the worms to poke their heads out?

  2. I second that Youck and double yuck...I think some of that snow is heading our way.....sheesh..

  3. We had a ton of redpolls like that just before the snow melted. It won't be long now.

  4. Yuck describes it perfectly. It's lovely to see the birds but the snow - no thank you. I've seen enough of it this winter.

  5. Looking at these pictures again now in May I'm thinking what a relief winter is well behind us even though the temps at night are still falling down low. I notice on Saturday night in Ottawa we're going down to 0 overnight, but that will probably be the last of the freezing temperatures til next winter.
