Saturday, December 11, 2010

Surfside Beach Santa Parada

This afternoon the Surfside Santa Parade went along our street. Paul and I enjoyed watching the marching bands and floats go by, as well as wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

We are still getting used to Christmas events with palm trees.

And here comes Santa....
Another fun part was picking up all the treats being thrown out along the parade route. We have a plastic necklace, a small football, some bubble solution and...

...this large tray of candy in our condo. We collected all this from our location on the route.


  1. Santa's sleigh looks worthy of a Rose Bowl Parade. Sounds like you had a great time.

  2. I was astounded by the amount of candy you got. Looked like fun, but it looked like you were cold with a heavy coat on. They are announcing rain and plus 10 for us tomorrow. If this keeps up, we will have no snow for Christmas either.
    Miss you both
