Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pilley's Island, Newfoundland

Time at Pilley's Island

Quiet time enjoying the ocean

A windy day

A morning walk along the shore

Shore bird

Sunset over the bay

A meal of fresh mackerel


  1. Nice view and nice mackerel. I've never been to Pilley's Island and I've never eaten mackerel. I'm pretty sure the shorebird is a semipalmated plover. Elaine and I identified some at Cow Head this summer.

  2. I've just been surfing through your Newfoundland posts to date - fabulous shots!!! Wish I was still there too....

  3. Nothing like fresh Mackeral! Absolutely amazing photographs Marilyn & Paul! One day in the near future Peter and I will make it to NFLD, the only province we haven't visited yet!
